“it’s ok to fuck children if you ask their parents first”
“it’s ok to fuck children if you ask their parents first”
He’s lying. Moore went after young teens because he liked having the power, liked being able to scare them, control them, cross the lines with them, harass them, violate them, and know that they didn’t have the resources or knowledge to take him, the assistant DA, down for it.
I’m sold... this guy have a daughter?
Okay this is incredibly stupid and pedophile-y but isn’t he also missing the point? Problem #1 is that he is accused of pursuing a 14-year-old, who would not fall under the category of “young woman”. Problem #2 is that when he was pursuing teens over 16 (Alabama’s gross age of consent), some definitely DID NOT want…
To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
Okay Future.
Imagine being so sure to offend women that at parties you now just freeze in place.
I think a lot of us are just tired of reflections and opinions and want some action or justice or something. I don’t think it’s bad to reflect or to share experiences but yeah, we’re tired. Which is why I’m skipping clicking the link. But I truly hope his realizations do lead to something good.
I tend to give Baldwin way too many breaks because he reminds me so much of my father (yes my dad has left me many, many voicemails like Alec’s to Ireland they even sound alike when angry). But I thought his reflections worked.
They don’t face lighter consequences.
How is this still a thing (spot reduction)?!
I thought the word was out on this like a decade ago, but people still believe it?
I’m personally glad spot reduction isn’t possible. Think of how messed up people would look it it were.
I am 6 ft 1inch tall and weigh 146 pounds and I am a guy
Was she unaware her self-proclaimed modesty, under the guise of ‘Orthodox Jewish feminity’, is wholly rooted in the patriarchy? If so, it is an irony I find funnier than any of the 11 total seconds I’ve seen of Big Bang Theory.
Beware any grown man who endeavors to teach or especially coach young, specifically female, athletes.
“What you wearing?”
Who’s President of the United States? How many women formally accused him of sexual assault BEFORE the election? Did it matter?
Because women are trained to be ashamed of themselves.