This should be the hierarchy of who a company cares about most:
This should be the hierarchy of who a company cares about most:
No other competitive multiplayer focused game allows you to grind offline single player in order to progress in online multiplayer. I know EA has done some shady shit with BF2, but I never understood why people were dinging them on this point specifically.
I’m actually okay with that. I wouldn’t want someone to upgrade in Arcade mode (easy mode) and then go to PVP as a superpowerful person. I would have nearly the same complaint I have about pay to win.
It’s not in the game as of today, but a dataminer has found evidence that a character customisation system for Star Wars: Battlefront II is probably on the way.
Serious question - how is it a moral issue that a business wants to make more money from its consumer base? Is there some school of thinking that says video game companies should prioritize consumer contentedness over profit?
Is it true that the Antifa counter protesters showed up with bricks and urine filled balloons, etc? Who are the violent ones here? Why isn’t every Liberal denouncing that?
> Nor is it really host Baldwin, who, at one point after losing control of her own show, simply puts her head in her hands—presumably praying to make it through this segment in one piece.
To be fair, one shot people has always been BS, specially in a game like overwatch, that clearly wants to make killing enemies a matter of teamwork. It even shows you their health bar, something that gives us the hint that HP is meant to go down slowly unlike other shooters like COD where would be pointless to have…