Force Boxman

I believe it's MANDATORY.

Does this game use some sort of randomization method to determine events? Something that will generate numbers 1 through 20?

Can I go now?

First thing I thought of…if you've got Home Movies there, you gotta have Dr. Katz. Forget the criticism about it just being animated versions of comedians (which are great anyway). I could watch 22 minutes of Katz and his son Ben talking about what to do with an old chair stuck in the back of the car, or about him

Except that there is no obvious reason why he specifically gives Gruber an unloaded gun. "Die Hard" is not the type of film to leave it to the audience's imagination. When I saw the film in the theater, that scene always bothered me, and I'm happy that there was an answer.

I had a subscription to it until last year. It's a good magazine, and the articles are, more often than not, very good.

Huckabee will just end up with his head stuck in a pot of molasses.

"May I have one of those, Madam?"

I honestly don't know which secondary character I love more…Robert Durst, or Mimi Kanassis. I think it's Mimi, but only when she's so excited, then immediately breaks down crying, either with stamps or Mentos.

"As a surprise witness, the Prosecution calls…Christopher Pike!"

One time I opened up a yogurt, and underneath the lid, it said, 'Please
try again.' They were having a contest I was unaware of, but I thought I
might have opened the yogurt wrong. Or maybe Yoplait was trying to
inspire me? "C'mon, Mitch. Don't give up. Please try again," a message
of inspiration from your friends at

Can anyone tell me what Charles's alternative to referring to his sperm as "Boyle Oil" was? I couldn't make it out, because I was laughing too hard at "Boyle Oil".

Can I have ten dollars to go see a Star War?

Not in front of the gays!

Well said!

Give the governor a harumph!

I need to know the whole story regarding Chocolate Mousse…it is clearly the same character from "Raiders of the Lost Ark", but there's absolutely no overt nod to that fact.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in Erection Cove.

I love that when Xan surprises Kimmy just after she's left hanging by Titus, Kimmy blurts out "Gelula!", which of course is the actress's real last name.