
Thats because she scored his first fight as 116-112 in favor of Rihanna

Man, the world we live in is full of a bunch of entitled crybabies.

What's the small twist? (I can't watch the video.)

It's true that teens are getting their licenses later, but how does that explain slow car sales among people in their 20s and early 30s? And I'm sure plenty of younger people want to live in walkable cities, but I'd wager just as many — if not more — want that house in the suburbs where a car is a necessity.

Combine Demo Derby

Don't call him Frankly.

Dear Leo,

Same thoughts here. When I saw the headline, I thought he was giving up caffeine, so I thought "wow that's something. Must be really hard." Substituting coffee with tea isn't hard at all, though tea (depending on what type you drink I guess( does have substantially less caffeine than coffee (I think I'm right).

I was pretty disappointed to read that you simply swapped one for the other. I question if you really went "without". Next month "going without"...don't insert something into the void. Just fully go without.

But so is a gift registry.

Why? What's the difference between saying "here is a list of gifts I have approved and would like you to maybe buy for me" and saying "you might as well give me that $50 you're going to spend on the bread maker that I didn't register for and won't use." How is one "tacky" but not the other?

So will Sony allow me to use an Xbox 1 controller? I still don't have the hands of a 12 yr old Japanese kid. Why won't Sony just admit xbox has the superior controller and copy it already. No one that I know prefers the duel shock. NO ONE!! Even hardcore Sony fanboys I know use modified Xbox controllers. I don't