I love the irony of a Camo preventing you to be “seen” as a bug. XD
I love the irony of a Camo preventing you to be “seen” as a bug. XD
Honestly, regardless of how well the races do, get rid of Bahrain.
It amazes me how racist/sexist/whateverelseist people are being in the name of inclusivity. It used to be a good thing, people sharing and enjoying other cultures. Now we barricade them off and essentially segregate cultures in the guise of inclusivity. It’s depressing how conservative Neo-liberals are.
Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.
As much as I love me a bone rattling loud V8/10/12 screaming around the track, the time for electrics is here. As battery and fast charging technology continues to evolve I suspect we shall see many an overall lap time record set by these beasts.
I wish the Iranians every success.
We project adulthood onto children for the same reason we project humanity onto pets: it’s funny in its absurdity and useful in helping construct some sort of theory of mind, however flawed.
That’s cool and stuff but also the screens look ridiculous. Gotta be a better way to integrate them.
When our country’s healthcare system can bankrupt a person for having a medical emergency, this is inevitable.
“failed to provide a safe and secure environment” for the participants, among other complaints.
Somebody’s always gotta try to profit from a tragedy.
This 100%.
FWIW, Electrolux cannister vacs will outlive you. Everyone I know who had one and upgraded and threw out their Electrolux vac is now sad about it. Anything with a rechargeable battery is going to die sooner rather than later (think about how long your laptop lasts), so you can expect to replace a battery vacuum in…
FWIW, Electrolux cannister vacs will outlive you. Everyone I know who had one and upgraded and threw out their…
This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.
Seriously, my dog got her PhD in Psychology from Stanford but everybody just assumes she’s some bullshit ‘emotional support animal.’ It’s maddening.
If you live in the city you shouldn’t be a dog owner
Ah, never mind then. That makes more sense.
This ^ . Is it racist if the person on the speaking end and the person on the listening end don’t even know the origin??? Isn’t it BETTER that the negative connotations from these terms were lost? I enjoy the etymological information, but I wonder what sense there is in trying to put the hateful/negative power back…
Yay! Let’s take phrases that most people use in a completely innocuous way, drag their racist origins out of obscurity, dust ‘em off, and teach them to everyone so that people can be offended by them again!