“I’m getting my white ass out of here!” might be my favorite Ned line ever. But also...is Ned dead? I’ll really miss him if he is.”
“I’m getting my white ass out of here!” might be my favorite Ned line ever. But also...is Ned dead? I’ll really miss him if he is.”
I’m sure that made sense in your mind, but not so on the page. What should he do, resolve to watch MORE tv?
It’s a nitpick I know but I also HATE saying that name. It really seems like a stupid fucking name, like somebody trying to be cute. It pisses me off.
Jimmie RoDgers, not Rogers, the latter was Muddy Waters’ guitarist in the fifties, the former was the country music pioneer. Just FYI.
Can anyone imagine, decades ago, a father on TV being so cruel as to mock his son to his face about his lisp/diabetes, two things that make him “different” from other kids? I’m not sure if Americans are actually “less mature” than in the past, or if we are just more cruel, but what chance does Scott have with a father…
Everyone knows replacing even just one kidney cures diabetes.
“The way we fix the dimensional hole is to DRILL”
“Oooh, I hate-a Mongorrians”
Well there IS a different power dynamic in Dictatorships. The dictator has all the power. When will China realize that corporations are people too! Like the US!
Holy shit - I think I’d heard about Chinnichap writing it but I didn’t know there was a whole other song!
She’s in Easy Rider as one of the two prostitutes in New Orleans (the other was Karen Black).
You are an AZZOLE!!
Oh come on, you just know those little vixens were dressing provocatively and vexing those poor priests - servants of God, selfless to the end - with flirty behavior and teasing. Priests are “holy”, yes, but they’re only human. Those poor, poor prefects...
Also, since you mentioned the rich, these Drumpf Yahoos have bought, lock, stock and barrel, the myth of Liberal “Elites” on the coasts. I’m not saying these people don’t exist, but who has poured more dark money into “Conservative Politics” than the Koch Brothers?
Ha ha - I’m sure that’s true in many cases, but there are people who just didn’t like Hillary Clinton, so they voted for the candidate who would “blow up the system” and...and they..uh, they...
Soy sauce has been mentioned before, in Gluten Free Ebola:
I Know this may not add to the conversation, but “Hell is Other People” springs to mind...yes, in South Park it’s easy to combat anxiety with a hearty “F-you”, and voila, problem solved, but IRL, it can be “freeing” to shut the world out.
Nathan is the one always initiating the interactions with Ed, he’s apparently got an entire scenario in his mind where Ed and he become buddies, if only Ed would listen/go along with him...
“This week’s Big Little Lies power rankings: 1) Jane. 2) Madeline, for telling Ed to put up or shut up.”
AFA Jane having Ziggy meet ‘Big Love’ Guy (hereafter BLG), I thought she explained why that happened like it did, something about Ziggy wanting to surf, and BLG was a surfer, and I guess he hounded her until she gave in.