

Truman Capote knew what he and Julio were doing.

Yes they finally put that final piece of the puzzle in place…losing to the Lakers in '80, when Magic played Center and lit the Sixers up while dominating Caldwell Jones was horribly frustrating lol.

1980 alone - all four Philly teams in the 4 major sports were in their respective Finals - is a testament to what a great time that was for Philly sports. Unfortunately, it's also very representative of our frustrations in that period: only won 1 title of the four! Still, what a great time to be a Philadelphia sports

The wonderful writing and performances notwithstanding, one of the things that stood out to me was Kim's assessment of where Rebecca and Chuck would stand afterwards - which I took as foreshadowing of Kim and Jimmy's future (forgive me if I don't get it word for word): "She's gonna hate his guts after this".

"You sniffed the reeking buns of angels
And acted like it was co-cayee-ayee-eyaine "

"You sniffed the reeking buns of angels
And acted like it was co-cayee-ayee-eyaine "

Was never as sick of With Or Without You as i was of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - that's my all time "sick of hearing it beat-to-death" song. And I've always liked U2. That song tested my patience with them though.

I'll have to read that, I was always under the impression that Olivia and Bette genuinely liked, if not loved, each other. At least some of that impression comes from watching TCM and knowing how close Robert Osborne was with ODH, with Bette being a bit player in some of their stories, so I'll be very interested to

Good point…the Little Foxes deserves "Honorable Mention" since the list is limited to 4 each. (I say it because Marshall and Bette are husband-wife, and they share another scene where BD is a scary woman!)

I love the Barrymores in GH! Both are very funny… Beery's is a thankless role, though, just like in Dinner At Eight. He's better when he gets to be rascally, like in Treasure Island and The Champ.

No, not true: A Woman's Face is an excellent film, it's on TCM now and then. And Possessed is fine as well. Susan and God is just ok.


Couldn't agree more - the fact is, abusers, molesters, sociopaths, murderers, these are people too, and I don't think people do themselves any favors by assuming everything they say is manipulation meant to help them continue abusing, molesting, murdereing, etc. Even if you can't sympathize with them, it never hurts

What I find interesting about that whole incident between Madeline's ex and current, was that the ex kinda STARTED with the attempted intimidation (talking about possibly fighting, he says "I don't think you want that" - the implication being he could kick his meek, dweeby little ass). When he got stood up to, he

That looked bad from an objective POV, but admit it - you'd like to tell everyone to get F'd too! Go RW! Maybe BLL will clear out all of her bile and help her avoid any such issues in the future.

"Perry’s actions are coming from his own insecurities that Celeste will leave him. Again, it doesn’t justify his actions, but it’s more insight into the mindset of an abuser than we usually see."

At the risk of seeming dense, I'd like to understand 2 things:

Use of quotes is allowed. FYI.

Cheers was the first to do the whole "will they or won't they" thing, so your criticism doesn't hold. But ok, you don't like it, np. But you sound like a community college freshman fresh out of his first Communication in Media class.