
James, you joke but it’s disturbing how little sexual agency female characters had in those old cartoons. I was watching an old Tom & Jerry with the kid and Tom falls into a dress and wig and is immediately descended upon by all the local male cats who attempt to “kiss” him/her despite protests.

What foul men, and I’m so sick of the “they are trying to get attention BS”. Women aren’t the ones instigating these events. Ther are not the ones who are crossing lines here. Not to mention being the victim of sex assault isn’t something women are just dying to make as they claim to fame. Women have a right to

The woman part.

Speaking as a member of the things-found-in-garbage-cans community I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for your embrace of one of our kind. Though I would advise against actual, physical embrace as there are often stain and/or garbage fauna issues to be considered.

thank u, Joanna, this is so brave <3<3<3

To be fair, both Schumer and Trump love saying “pussy.”

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.

The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd

Margaret Atwood, although I suspect it will never happen.

This is so sad, I have gone through the exact same thought process myself. I am 30 years old and have been working in the entertainment industry for a solid decade (studios, agencies, law firms, production). I am realizing now how important it is for women to start speaking up and sharing our stories. Which at this

I used to try to laugh off the fact that I got roofied on my 20th birthday because “nothing ended up happening to me” (my friends carried me home). But honestly, fuck that. Fuck that guy who was planning on hurting me, and fuck the Trump-like attitudes that made me feel like I needed to minimize it because maybe it

I’ve had the same experience. I was talking to my husband about the Trump tapes and said “I’ve had my boobs and butt grabbed but never my pussy. Oh wait, yes I have.” It’s so common that not only have most of us experienced it, but many of us have to stop and think back just to try recall all the times it’s happened!

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

I want her and John Oliver to be my real family.

Not to take away from the amazing Samantha Bee but that link at the end of your story about Ana Navarro, is amazing. I’m so in love with her right now and it’s not easy because she’s a Republican and a huge supporter of the Bush Crime Family but man, that tape of her screaming at that dum-dum Scottie Neil Hughes and