I got a minute and seven seconds in and that’s all I could handle. Thanks. Now I’ma hafta subscribe to Donald Trump’s emails to re-freeze my heart.
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
let me say it again:
How many times do they have to tell you they don’t start serving lunch until 10:15? Your fault at this point imo
Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.
samantha bee is a damn national treasure, for two nations, and she can pinch her d**k between my legs any time she chooses.
Are any of the Duggers there? You could borrow something "modest".
Um, excuse me, but Erin Miller is 1/36th Cherokee AND her Irish ancestors who came to America were, like, slaves and so she knows, okay. This isn’t about her. It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.
Don’t you know “Erin” means “Africa” in Gaelic?
The most hilarious part of all this is that it’s like these Grey’s Anatomy fans don’t even know who Shonda Rhimes is. Like is Shonda really gonna fire Jesse Williams for speaking out about social justice?? That’s about as likely as Donald Trump saying something intelligent. Ain’t gonna happen.
I want said things tweeted one after another to the man himself.
I really want a complete collection of all the things Jezebel has called Trump over the months.
Wait, do bezoars exist outside of Harry Potter?
That’s a lot of dignity, eloquence, and integrity, especially for someone at a Republican candidate’s rally.
You probably know this already, but kid, you are awesome. And brave. And smart. And brave. And did I say brave?
Van Kuilenburg’s appearance at Cruz’s rally was meant to call attention to the violent impact of such prejudice. He went, he told The Frederick News-Post, “to show Cruz supporters that rhetoric about gay and transgender rights hurts real people like him.”
A set up for a horror film in the opposite way: I feel this mom is just begging a coven of feminist witches to make bread out of her son’s bones.
Oh God. Come on, LA-based Jezzies. You MUST respond to this. I am so sad that neither I nor my extensive network of academically-inclined feminists live in the area and can lunch in Bel Air on this lady’s dime while verbally lashing helping her son.