
Women drinking alcohol?!? Someone alert John Kasich!

I’d probably signoff with “go fuck yourselves, you’re supposed to be educating children and keeping them safe, you fucking assholes, use your eyes and brains”

That is why teachers are trained to deal with kids this age. Where is the teacher?

Police are not good tools of discipline at a school. They often cause the situation to escalate instead of calm down. It takes a different skill set to handle discipline and maintaining order in schools. Middle school is rough and trying.

are investigating a possible case of excessive force


While the flip side of the $100 bill shows a woman scientist peering down a microscope, she isn’t identified.”

At a base level, most of those movies end in a woman successfully finding a man. I loved them all, and think there’s plenty of good in them, but the movies we’re seeing now break out of the typical fairytale mold far more.

Oh my God, I loved this movie SOOOOO much. We took the 5-year-old to see it last night, and while he really liked it, I think my husband and I laughed harder and longer than even he did.

its like why does melissa mccarthy insist on throwing her body around and like, in my face? id rather not have to confront it

well it was a fun controversy while it lasted folks

On an only slightly unrelated note, I saw a little girl in a League of Their Own costume this Halloween and melted from the cuteness. (I’m actually typing this as a puddle on the sidewalk.)

This comment does not sound like it was written by a true lesbian.

this was pretty “funny” but I think that you OWE the american People a the “truth” about why you keep writeing garbage like this.

Never “underestimate” the “power” of using random “quotation marks” to make people really believe you’re saying something “insightful.”

Now playing

Anyone else read that last one with Chris Farley in their head? Just me?

I am Clearly too Liberal to Understand Random Capitalization. Thank Goodness people like John Herbert Sullivan exist to Show Me the Error of My Ways.

“Certainly, structural sexism exists in ______, but you’re overstating it”

That alias is amazing.

It’s sad, but not at all surprising. I’m a small business owner, and many of my suppliers are men. About a year ago I created the alias ‘Dick Berns’ to use in purchasing. Since then I’ve found that on average my orders ship 2 days faster and cost 6% less when the person on the other end of the transaction thinks that