

We probably need new party leaders. This reddening didn’t happen overnight. We elected a savior President and then sat back and expected him to singlehandedly fight all the demons. Today, we lost the Senate and bungled our bet-everything-on-another-President play. It seems reasonable that Democratic Party leaders

Can we please stop doing this! instead of fucking people that chose not to vote for Hilary lets do something to change the reality that huge swathes of the population are racist, bigoted morons. lets do something to change the political system for the better. lets give people candidates they really want to vote for.

Geez, can we stop with the hate already?

Wouldn’t people voting for Johnson take away from Trump’s votes? Why is it assumed that if these people hadn’t voted for Johnson, they would’ve voted for Hillary?

Call me crazy, but acting as if the democrats had the right plan/strategy/candidate but just got screwed by forces out of their control is a terrible terrible strategy that might lead to a second repub term in 2020.

Everyone I know who voted Johnson voted Republican down ticket. That’s just 3 people and completely anecdotal, but if you really forced Johnson voters to pick Trump or Clinton, I’m not sure it would’ve swung the election in her favor anyway.