
Are you guys working off a flow chart here or something? It’s not a valid point. I wrote about a game that I’ve been playing for several months. One I originally brushed off but then found myself playing all the time. These are the sort of experiences we relay here. It’s what we do.

Could be wrong but I feel like I’m not so casual?

Yep, I started playing two months ago and am sitting at level 18 as I have little time to play due to kids. When I do play I have been playing through the story or doing patrol missions or whatever. Haven’t even done any multiplayer yet. I am glad I will be able to progress now even if I cannot do raids or whatever

This was my exact problem. Two kids at home, very little time to spend hours on the grind and stuck at 25 with no progress in sight. The gear and progress I’ve been getting from the cryptarch via engram drops has made it so much more enjoyable when I can only play for a short amount of time; now if only there were a

I had stopped playing Destiny in November of last year. Being a father of two, I never had time to spend hours and hours grinding...stuff. So my level was stuck at 25. I just started again last week and I’m absolutely loving it. Just hit 40 last night just by said it...story missions. It feels like there’s