Not so much into childrens’ movies
Not so much into childrens’ movies
“Don’t watch us play this season”
he’s specifically talking about the Mets playing the Giants
gase sounds like case
the topical reference
You’re not making any sense. It’s not a fact that he’s good.
Look just explain this to me. When you say Serrano is good you’re right, but when I say Serrano is bad I’m wrong, even though he IS bad?
Ah, I imagine when you were eating the Cheetos dust you looked quite like the orange ass clown Drumpf! With his orange skin
The Rangers had better start winning the ball games quick because unfortunately, the series will soon be over.
You keep talking about Shea Serrano being good like it’s based in fact, when it’s clear that it’s just your personal preference. Why not just admit he’s bad?
I mean if your opinion is wrong why wouldn’t you change it?
it just seems obvious to me that you would want the good one.
yes, but why would you have the bad one instead of the good one?
yeah I’m not sure what people miss about Grantland that isn’t on the Ringer. Zach Lowe? when it was awful it was awful for the same reasons
I would actually reverse what you consider the bad opinion and the good opinion re: Serrano in that statement. Checkmate.
i’ll never understand why people find Serrano interesting or funny at all
It’s a great site if you’re a 40 year old marketing consultant who loves the most lit new viral memes, epic native advertising and perfunctory woke content
When the Cubs are playin ball you KNOW you gotta love the baseball of the Cubs. Play ball!
Oh? I will instead be rooting for my favored team to beat the Nationals, assuming they play them at all. Hope everyone’s having a nice Friday.