Foosa dee Cat

That Miata be like

Your making that up”... “Simmons I want you to poison Grif’s next meal”

Oh look A French Warthog, and a French Mongoose

But you see that’s the thing Unlike Solo or other prequels nobody knows what happened in Budapest..perhaps she was recruited for Shield at Budapest. or........or.......or....

Very true but by then Scarlett would if been ya know what? I’m done waiting..this ships already sailed.

Hurry before Scarlett turns 50....

Give BB 8 his own movie....

Illinois is a state full of idiots.

This song is pure Perfection!!

+100000000 cuz I like small cats... 🐈

Theres the tiny problem... something called radiation would make the planet warm but uninhabitable for a very very very very....see were I’m going here....long time..

Lies....... I see no Daisy Ridley!!

Cat’s are smart enough to hide, and wont fall for a poisoned steak.