Foosa dee Cat

Absolutely incredible car. Also the location, what a perfect place for a perfect car.. You sir are a truly blessed man.. thank you for sharing the dream with us.


ALL dead for your lie....May they haunt you forever..

Thanks For ISIS ASSHOLE...And yea were were those WMD’s Saddam was supposed to have?? I risked my life and my watched my brothers die for your lie..

A completely honest and sincere Thank you!!! you actually bought one.. if we had more people like you we would all have more nice things.... And options. And yes they are a blast to drive!

Seriously when was the last time you heard of a flamethrower being used to commit any crime or murder outside of War? Then look up how many knives are used for stabbings and killings. I’m more worried of a psycho taking the steak knife in a restaurant and start stabbing people instead of a random flamethrower showing

Not blaming WV just the people who say Hey I want that bring it here! or I’d buy one if they brought it over... When they actually are brought over, those people just vanish.

Best place for a manual transmission

Everyone said what a great little sporty car this is. I’d buy one!! Too bad we can’t have one here in the US until Ford actually brought them here in four door form Hurrah!!

Or you can do what the Spanish do.... every day is a holiday

Here’s a really effective one...

“ and building desalination plants. While this coastal city overlooks the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and sits atop significant aquifers, by and large these sources have yet to be tapped due to the higher financial costs and energy needs that both require. This will likely soon change, as the city has redirected

This is the 2017-2018 Darwin awards being live streamed and blasted on social media.

Jesus I’m a Good and honest Man Who has Complete respect for EVERYONE gender, color creed as I was raised to be , and after reading this message I’ve never been more ashamed to be one.

Wrong that is...So Many wrong levels it is....Meditate to clean mind I must...


Just messing with cha!

Ethernet cord? WTF? its 2018!!! but anyways here is what you imagine to be real. Grandfather Nurgle..

Let’s say 1,000,000 people want a new LFA

The car was designed to be a sort of a road version of this in spirit and shared many components, that’s why it looks the way it does.