Foosa dee Cat

The special forces tie fighters had full life support but the regular tie did not and don’t forget atmospheric pressure and temperature....Sure the cockpit could hold sufficient air to make out of athmo but they weren’t temperature regulated hence the tie flight suits..

Since I’ve never seen anyone in hard vacuum without a spacesuit..1977

Yes but the rebel fleet is In space that’s were they would be heading with the zip drives

Only problem is those tie fighters are single seaters with out life support.. sure two could fit rather uncomfortable. But with out flight suits..........

When I first saw the trailer, I had thought that Jyn escaped in the tie fighter and used the space battle as cover. She would escape in the chaos and deliver the plans.... Oh well...


Give us a choice of voices.

For fucks sake!  now I have PTDST!

insert 80's transformers transforming sound..

With most of these Benzes their life will be in a pampered air-conditiond existence. Except for that one that will either burst into flames or make out with a tree. Complete with the required  YouTube video..


Cheater cheater pumpkin eater...

An aisan body for a woman is in petite stature. They don’t have size DD breasts. For one example but hey why am I bothering with this since I’m a racist asshole who is using his racist eyes point out the obvious. So answer me this. Why would they accentuate their “Aisian” body features to not look Aisian.??? But hey

The cycle cointinues..

You are entitled to you opinion.... and I’m entitled to disagree with you. And I’m glad you don’t see yourself as a caricature.

It would be nice if she appeared as a little girl for a small scene, as homage, but Scarlett at least to me fits the Major, Scarlett could be more lively, as actress, since Motoko has her funny moments here and there, but she has the action presence to pull the major off. If I were to choose an actress it would of

Yes his crap again and again.. But lets break down your argument.

Yes this crap again and again and again....”Asian people don’t look eyes for ethnic markers, that’s a Western stereotype. Animated characters are given large eyes to make them expressive”