Foosa dee Cat

You know as long as you enjoy your job....that’s when you really are winning in life.....

That’s Outrageous!!! Total Dick move!! Prime Membership? Shit’s about to go down. Thanks Amazon....


Lets say that the lego gods smiled upon us all and actually made this a real set. Could you Imagine the cost for this set? I’d wager my new racing pod and say the boy’s mother that this would be $300 plus galactic credits.....

What’s worse hearing Anakin bitch about how sand gets everywhere? Or Luke bitching about going to Toshi Station to pick up those damm power converters.....

Try this one...

I did this a few days ago....She Captures the look of the Major very nicely..

That’s better...........

X1000000000000000000000000000 screw it. You get all the stars in the observable universe.

These two resemble each other more that an asian actress could...

Still no eye of terror.......or Slaanesh.. Chicken and the egg fellow adept....

It’s the Rishi maze...

What is the big deal????? I whipped this up last night...she sure looks the part. After all motoko is a cyborg.. and in stand alone complex series she doesn’t look Asian...hell the only one who looked Asian was pazu. Even the original movie aside from the black hair its find it hard any Asian connection.

Scarlet Kusanagi!! Motoko Johansson!!!

lord know I’m late to the party but work kinda gets in the way.

Take my. star!!!!

How are your franchise prospects looking like Sony pictures?.

No worries. Just Shake it off....

Lucky the ISA is on our side