Foosa dee Cat

No Worries he’ So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!x10000000000.1

Not my master....but soon...

I spit out my coffee in a meeting when I read that!!!! Thanks!!!!!

Everyone go home you sir or madam have won the internet...and well everything else there is to win...

Meh....I’ll wait for the Tachikoma version

NOT SO......Wesley Crusher never got to bang any female.....

Now if someone can build a warhammer 40k Terminator armor...or even a dreadnought cosplay to scale......that would be total fracking SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s even more funny after you sniff some Sharpies!!!!!

Jezus. That’s beautiful!!!!!!

She should of been cast as wonder lady Sif she’s already there...

Please before I die can someone make an honorverse movie WORTHY of the books.....

Meh..... Let me finish my drink first ....

This time it will belong to the Baron!

And then the clouds came......

Ok Captian Kirk......

Will Miss berry mush........

I do.....but a simple answer that many were kind enough to reply with was what I was asking.

: )

Thank you!!!

ForgiveForgive my ignorance in these comic / series....can someone please explain in layman’s terms what this is about? Is she good,evil.. Friends with Dare devil....or avengers. Or Sheild or.. .