Foosa dee Cat

Nothing lasts forever....not even love...

Dear fello tachikoma in the back. Y so SaD???

Dance my brothers dance!!!!!

Toothless is moved....

Yea I’d like to place an bio burger with a large synth fries and a large cricket cake...

Science! Fuck yea!!!!!!!!

What the hell is he going to hit with that huge mace thing? “That’s what I said” robozilla you can still kick their ass. Thanks Godzilla.....

X one billion stars to you!

I think you missed the biggest bad ass of em Commissar Yarrick

Subway to Venus....(red hot chill peppers)

Congratulations!!! Ive been trying to finish my trilogy for 20 years! curse this damn full time bull shit job thing... At least I have the titles finished that took a decade....

Time and Age are the friends of no one, save for one Dick Clark (A Frackin Cylon)

True but still Props and Love to the original...with out X-files there most likely would of never been a fringe... X-files was the beginning...

Black widow approves.......

A$$ holes.....try and patent the hand you sorry sacks of....... Sorry whiskey talking here....

For a hot second I thought that Nerf was selling a nerf version of that sexy machine gun, in that hey I’m right here red color.....but vodka

Olivia and Olivia are ready for Scully!!!!!

Jurrasic worlds.
