Foosa dee Cat

Nice avatar!

What would I give to be able to do that.....and on a regular basis....


WTF are those German Nazi helmets?

Wouldn’t be surprised.......

Buy a Surface Pro 3.......

Sorry the cash and subsequent derailment at the end makes the piece

What is Victoria's secret.....

Guilty to the bone. And the story begins.

A bone marrow transplant can change a persons blood type.... Humm good plot device for a book.....

Fringe did you say?

How about some more bitch pudding?

Arakis Dune desert planet

That’s why I read the books......

I understand some people are slower on the uptake than others. Is OK, I’m not judging, just read my post again but this time very carefully, take your time and consult a dictionary if you need to.. I sincerely recommend looking up the meaning of CONTEXT

WOW people like me who actually follow the rules and not pirate a Show? Jesus I’m a Fracking A$$ hole bastard huh? Id better be off playing with my nice things then......

I hope they do Netflix it.. so the rest of us can legally watch it and not spend money on HBO just to watch one series...

That's what I want to be when eye grow up!

Its spring everybody!!!!!

The Spice mu...........sorry the Water must flow.....