Foosa dee Cat

yes but Mua'dib controls the spice

"Affordable Health Care" the true scientific fact is that in our would this concept can not exist.

Bring EM BACK!!

Didn't the TOS Battlestar Galatica Vipers use an Modified F-16 Control Stick?

Big foot, Yeti.. nope It's a WOOKIE!!!!

Tell me this isn't a hoax big feet indeed.....

Reality distortion field set to code iMaximum

Kirk challenges the new Excelsior to a race. Destination new Vulcan were Spock advises Kirk that its against regulations to race starships. Kirk being kirk disobeys and races anyways were her encounters a bird of prey who demands that Kirk turn over uhura for the murder of the Klingons in "darkness" but "TOS" Spock


No more lens flare.................... . .. . . .

LV426. Mostly......mostly...

Wait hold up........someone just said Vodka isn't water...... WTF? this true???? Their both clear and are bottled expensive as hell.

"Im gonna kill him NOW!!

And in a refreshing new Blue color....

Flame ON!!!!!

Now playing

1:20 into the clip is the BEST TRANSLATION EVER!!!!

Steve jobs. Vs Bill gates.

Ah the emperor of mankind....

Note to self, humans fear spiders tachikomas resemble spiders.................processing.....

Love from greenpeace.