This comment is such BS. Everybody likes cocaine!
This comment is such BS. Everybody likes cocaine!
C4 Corvette.
Oh come on the z3 is a turd and has all the same problems the Miata has as well as being more underpowered, more expensive parts and insurance. I had a Miata, liked it some of the time, would have been fantastic as a hatchback, cheap rx7 without the rotary mess kinda car.
what’s this “litre” crap?
The first Jalopnik article I read was a post for Father’s Day (...possible in 2010? 2011? It was pre-Kinja) where the writers reminisced about memories of driving in cars with their fathers, either horrible hot and sweaty Ford Tempos with vinyl interiors or awesome Barracudas that had stayed in the family for decades.…
I R8 THAT R8 PASS 0/8 M8
But what if you have to get to your bag to get your cell phone out so you can take video of the situation?
Excceeeept BMW put out a release saying that their 15k miles needed to be downgraded back down to 10k miles. As in, “oops, I totally fucked that up.” Modern oils can last a really long time, but particles in oil are still particles in oil, and the filters aren’t really made to last that long either. Don’t believe me?…
And thus the irony, huh? The irony is that while BMW, VW, Audi, and Mercedes go on and on and on about their wonderful engineering, what that really translates to is that the cars are ( yes I know cliche’) over-engineered with lots of totally unnecessary redundant components and features.
It probably doesn’t help that from the factory, new cars at least say you can go 10-15k miles on an oil change from new. We know a mechanic that is a factory authorized Dinan installer, and worked for every German factory OEM known since the 70's, even he says never go past 5k miles on a change, no matter which engine…
Are all BMW engines a monumental piles of unreliable garbage?
You misspelled 'Ctrl'
Probably so they can sell their car.
who would we ever validate that claim?
I’m pretty sure I never said anything about while operating the car, and I’m pretty sure it failing when you want to get the car going is still extremely annoying. I’m also pretty sure that you fighting to defend Jaguar’s record of small electronic doodads failing is not a battle you will win.
Are you saying that a pedal is nearly as likely to jam as an electric motor on a Jaguar?