BAM- Before Anything Melts

Generally speaking, no; although when a guy is insufferable enough to come to a car site to flaunt the extent of his business and his degrees, I’d certainly be a bit tempted.

The fruits of oil and slavery are sweet indeed. Let’s hope she doesn’t use that car to pick up any girls herself, lest her father’s government give her the typical 14 years imprisonment. Or being stoned to death for leaving Islam for the cult of BMW!

Let’s just brush all of that under the rug and compliment the car

He idd, but the clock wasn’t bomblike enough... and he didn’t support backwards theocratic regimes that trample on human rights!


Whaaaaaaaaaa, his jokes aren’t celebrating diversity in this intersection! Arrest that motherfucker!

“Must be driven by an overweight lesbian”

Go watch Fast Times At Ridgemont High... like, now.

Hell, it was hard enough to ride in every day as a kid. Then, when the shocks went... salt in an open wound haha

I'm thinking F850

:D It's on then. Call me L Ron ishfuefduvfiuewdgygfb
if you like. You will be the first prophet, undoubtedly. Sounds great; I wouldn't mind going back to 1970's france if I could tell all of these stories today! I wish I had put more time into my user name than smashing some keys down now that I am a religious

That's all I was thinking from the point when the Ferarri douche came out, haha. It would be pretty classic. By the way, in search of a picture of the aforementioned act, I saw the most disgusting picture I have ever seen. I will brb, just gonna go gouge my eyes out after seeing the most disgusting picture ever.

Once again, not a Porsche fanboy. Gowd dayum! Just because someone is repulsed by the destruction of a classic car does not make them a fanboy... I think you are quite a Kookanoodles fanboy by the sound of it. (So do you still think the appreciation of something or some idea is blatant fanboyism? Because you are in

Once again, not a Porsche fanboy. Gowd dayum! Just because someone is repulsed by the destruction of a classic car does not make them a fanboy...

Typo, I meant to say GT2. I was bullshitting, just wanted to see if the guy had sense enough to shut up after that haha

But, I did them last night!

Holy shit I already did, not that I am the one who needed to give up when the failed troll was the one who replied in the first place and began this keyboard war and instilled courage in all other TG fanboys to reply. Fuck I'm going to stop defending myself I must have no life. Anyways, what is even the point of

Haha, guess the joking tone didn't come across so well on the first line :P That said, how are you not going to piss anyone off going around trolling and assuming stuff about people based on 4 sentences they wrote online? Do you expect me to believe you were overly candid in your response, son?