
“I have had a series of duds (1995 GM Products)“

Nissan’s entire line is way too fucking old and the only compelling products they’ve put out have been under the Infiniti brand and, even then, the most compelling things they’ve shown have been concept that they then went on to not produce.

Pickup buyers want towing, payload and other capabilities that don’t involve performance luxury vehicle acceleration and smoothness.”

Uh, I want all those things.  It’s why I bought an F-150 Platinum over a Raptor.  The interior on the Raptor was just....crappy in comparison to the Platinum.

This thing better play 4k UHD discs.  Not putting that feature on the PS4 Pro was a bone-headed move by Sony.

Let’s not forget about the e46 M3 with the SMG transmission. $10k is at the lower end of the spectrum of e46 M3's, but the SMG transmission is the less desireable of them, and cars with the SMG trans will go for less. If you spend about $100 you can get a cable and then a program to flash the engine and transmission

Honestly, he should buy whatever sedan he want to get and just pick up a crappy old 90's Ford Ranger as a beater work truck.  He can do all that for well under 60k.

Wow, you must be really upset to spend time going back through my comments.  Maybe you should get a hobby that doesn’t involve you being a little bitch.

Ooooo, so original! It’s almost as if you’re unaware that people of class and with intelligence and wealth can exist in the south. It’s almost like you’re comparing me to East Coast white trash without any real basis for said comparison. If you have to tell other people their dicks are tiny in order to think yours is

Fucking front wheel drive?

oH nO, He kNOwS hOw to ComPuTER!

The fact that you took a single step beyond merely commenting still signifies how pathetic you care.  Eat a bag of dicks.

You’re pathetic enough to go through my comment history looking for something to dredge up, that speaks for itself.

A Lotus Evora is kind of a bad idea anyway as they have a significant number of expensive issues even when the fiberglass of the body isn’t cracked.

I’ll order what I want you ignorant twat.

White pearl with the metallic brown trim.

Oh fuck off

I mean, with the right maintenance and repairs, pretty much any car can make it to a million miles (as long as you’re not a yankee driving it around on salted roads and rusting out the frame and body.

So absolutely no mention of how fast the windspeed actually was in the article? Thanks! I love it when there’s some vague and confusingly designed graph that, presumably, shows the windspeed in there somewhere.

I second the Z8 but there’s no way in hell he should pay that much for one with that many miles on it.

This one with 56,500 miles on it went on BAT for $126,000 a week ago:

“ROW Cruiser isn’t a luxury truck”

I’m aware of that, you dense fuckwit. That’s why I made it clear that what I was driving was a luxury truck.

“They’re actually used as farm beaters, etc”

See above comment. 

“I’m not paying more to have 700 pounds added to a sports car.”

The e46 convertible vs coupe weighs shy of 400lbs

“severe duty”

Do you even English, bro? I’m not taking my $62k truck on the alpine loop or anything (and, even if I did, they’ve smoothed it out somewhat) I’ve got a Rzr for that.

“There’s a reason all the ROW Land Cruisers that are actually used for their intended purpose have metal roofs.”

It’s a luxury truck, not a