time on target legendary pulse rifle with a full auto perk.
time on target legendary pulse rifle with a full auto perk.
my ex girlfriend did the ice feet to the back thing once. I run warm, about 99.8 Is my average, it was painful and startling all at once.
the police will investigate the police and find that they've done nothing wrong.
the PSN is a weeping angel!
maybe just offer an opt out option? Wouldn't that be simpler over all?
I got Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment just before the PSN went down, one of the DLC ITEMS IS Yukkis sword.
yeah, totally did it to prove a point, they're the good guys.
expect the outages to clear up slowly. Lizard squad did nothing more than coordinate their DDoS with the busiest connection day of the year.
I knew the outcome as soon as Yuuki mentioned the fate of three guild members. Still reared up when literally EVERYONE in the game showed up though.
Kim Dotcom just offered Lizard squad a bribe on twitter to get them to stop their DDoS, which combined with all of the new consoles trying to connect today has effectively shut down both networks.
They're waiting for confirmation of payment before agreeing to a total halt to their attack. Proving that Lizardsquad…
oh god yes! I hope this gets a release stateside, preferably with a physical copy.
Mall of America is a privately owned space. While generally open to the public the owners do have the right to kick people out.
Twitter. Many, many Twitter users.
I still think that while they have the romantic feelings for one another full on lesbian is a bit of a forced change.
Given that the show was originally meant to be a single 13 episode season. A season that featured the love triangle with one of the bending brothers.
Bi with strong female preference is most likely.
God, that PA destiny strip made me wish they'd written for the game.
While I'm sure Activision wouldn't mind licensing out movie rights and that likely came up at least once in meetings I doubt it's had any actual impact on the lack of story content IN GAME.
Like I said, it was a rumor I'd heard.
one rumor I've heard was Activision wanted the game to have a vague story so they could make movies that filled in the gaps.
This. In the new raid it turns out that the difference in damage output, at least on Crota, is 50%.
run the strike playlists. I you encounter players who seem to know what they're doing and don't act like ass hats, send a friend requwst. That's what I've been doing and I've cleared the vault twice because of it. Would have been more but my schedule prohibits it.
Users on the Bungie forums had a damn good idea. At least for weapons.