
Two parades a day.

Noon Jedi celebration march (Like the end of Phantom Menace).

Ran the credits in game.

that... Oh god that was painful.


More thought, less pew pew.

Please stop. Sony paid out the ass for the exclusives. Exclusives that will last one year at most. Add to that it's not like Xbox hasn't had stuff locked away for 360/one players in the past.

Every system will do this. Bitching about it is just annoying to everyone.

The gameplay really is solid. If they'd included a full and coherent story to go with it then Destiny would be a true GOTY.

When they can figure out how to wedge Lightning into the game they'll remake FFVII. Until then you'll buy another re-release of the game and like it!

okay, makes sense now. Mani would die horribly if it didn't.

In official competitions legendaries are usually forbidden. This behemoth is for wafflestomping your friends or the in game trainers only.

can't remember, does ice shard go first? Mamo tends to be on the slow side.

it should be noted tiers set by Smogon are just that, smogons tiers.

While nice I'd have preferred a little damage bump.

Not able to log in and check (lunch break at work) what was the change to "super good advice"?

I don't think 50 years have passed in the SW universe. At least not as far as the movie is concerned and the designs are updated, those x-wings are streamlined.

The only way this could have ended better would be if ***SPOILERS FOLLOW!!!!!***

Batman knew he was going to lose and purposely did as much damage to the area as possible to free Superman, leaving Big Blue floating behind Vader with his pissed of "Glowing red eyes" face on.

YJK added a lot to the EU but there were things that Lucas just didn't agree with and they were never really mentioned again afterward. Using the force to attune the crystal was one of them.

isn't eris the name of a goddess of deception?

I'm so pissed that I couldn't scrap together the strange coins this past weekend to get "last word" from Xur.

only special cases were granted bodies in the afterlife. Everyone else was a puff of soul.