People (by which I mean humans, not the magazine) pounced on Lorde late Thursday after she posted a photo of a…
People (by which I mean humans, not the magazine) pounced on Lorde late Thursday after she posted a photo of a…
Olivier Couston is a character artist at EA, but he’s also worked in film and TV.
You’re correct.
You win the interwebs
I read sections of The Communist Manifesto because I took courses on European history and Russian history. But they weren’t saying, “Hey, lookit this guy, Marx and his Manifesto! Wasn’t he great?”
Bill O’Reilly is looking for the truth like O.J. is searching for the real killers.
Does everyone involved in that family have a stupid fucking name?
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
My family was incredibly lucky: My mom was a medical lemon when I was growing up but got better thanks to my dad’s quality insurance. If he didn’t have that, she would’ve died before I turned 14. I wound up writing about it this summer when the GOP was trying to repeal the ACA (before they signed its death warrant…
I’d assumed that it was a note that said, “HELP” scrawled in blood.
This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.
In first to say I SAID WHAT THE FUCK I SAID.
Said it on Twitter. Saying it here.
Are we sure it’s a chicken and not a milkshake duck?
As i’ve said on twitter.
Having never seen the Babadook, I am confused but intrigued. But I do know from the internet that Babadooks do enjoy adult wine parties.