Wow, he’s 46? I’m 45 and live a pretty unhealthy lifestyle and I look 10+ years younger than the guy (and that may be an understatement). Not exactly selling us on the benefits of being anti-vaxx and so on there dude.
Wow, he’s 46? I’m 45 and live a pretty unhealthy lifestyle and I look 10+ years younger than the guy (and that may be an understatement). Not exactly selling us on the benefits of being anti-vaxx and so on there dude.
How do you downvote on this site again.. You’re a real class act..
I’m all for snark but come on, every single article I’ve seen on here lately is just shitting on people. The cast of Pitch Perfect (a movie I enjoyed, please don’t come for me) raised $5,000 for singing for a few minutes. They are literally (probably) at home doing nothing and they managed to raise $5,000. If I could…
Looks great!
Winner winner, chicken dinner!
My freshman year I lived on an all-male dorm floor. Where I went the drinking age was still 18 and the alcohol policy was so lax that there was a liquor store nearby where you could get cheap kegs of beer and the campus security people would help you deliver it and tap it for you.
I few years back I worked out with a certified personal trainer. (A family member was dying of cancer and I wasn’t eating very much just then [and was consequently a bit underweight] or getting enough physical activity. in other words, not taking care of myself). At the end of the two months of twice weekly sessions I…
I watched an interview by a feminist; I can’t remember her name; but what struck me was her explanation of sexism vs. misogyny. Sexism is the doctrine and misogyny is the punishment when a woman does not adhere to the doctrine.
kamikaze mission straight into the side of schmuck mountain
Wut?! How have I not heard of this insanity? Ffs, this dude needs to permanently go away.
Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.
People will cross the Bay for work, but rarely for anything else. I moved to the East Bay many years ago and you’d have thought I’d moved across the country for how often I can get SF friends to visit me on this side...
Oh, I forgot about the No Car issue! I had a car, so I was ok with driving pretty much anywhere, but at some point I stopped dating people who didn’t have cars because I didn’t want to be onus of travel to be always on me. (This was especially true when I was living in Vallejo and wasn’t near BART).
You realize the climate threat is on par with what Lincoln and FDR did? Like there aren’t equal because they’re all different, but in terms of scope and necessity, the New Green Deal is vitally important.
In a turn of events that will surprise absolutely no one, Vox Media publisher Melissa Bell thinks that Deadspin’s…
This is the problem with spending all your life in the right wing news bubble where everything that makes the left look bad is presumptively true and no proof is required beyond its consistency with your worldview.