
“Have you seen those black schools on the other side? They’re literally crime infested shitholes. These black kids aren’t scoring low on in basic English because the schools underfunded. In fact, studies show that black and brown schools get more funding per pupil than white ones. You can throw as much money at it all

I’m black , and while I think these liberals are just as racist as your average white republican , their concerns aren’t necessarily racist. HAve you seen those black schools on the other side? Theyre literally crime infested shitholes. These black kids aren’t scoring low on in basic English because the schools

Pharrell just had a big thing about that on “The View” or some show like that where he went on about “the new Black,” and how you can’t be mad about slavery or whatever the fuck.

Yes, horse racing is bougie and corrupt as all hell. It’s like if the Tour de France were run by FIFA and Jerry Jones. But the animals are magnificent, and the majesty of seeing a horse move so elegantly, with such bioathletic (a word I just made up) perfection is exhilarating. Secretariat’s Belmont run is the most