
“In the long run we are all dead.” — John Maynard Keynes

If you’re not picking the Thursday game as the knockout pool game for you that week and you still have to get your knockout pool pick in by Thursday (or Wed), your league commish is an asshole.

With the TB12 vibrating globe?

Trump isn’t a Republican. But when he won that party’s nomination, Republicans voted for him. And he fucking won. How’s your Democratic purity test working out?

That’s a failing of the electoral college system, not the people.

Pedroia threw his teammates under the bus during the Machado thing with Baltimore this year, and went along with Price’s ridiculous confrontation with Eck. So yeah, off-field but still baseball related, it seems maybe he’s a bit of a piece of shit that was kept in check by Ortiz all those years. Fans may have gone too

3rd edition clerics are grossly overpowered (hence CoDzilla or Cleric or Druid zilla). Dwarven clerics perhaps moreso. You just have to embrace the dwarven. Instead of trying to climb down into a pit of poisoned spikes, jump down (10ft less of a fall) and trust in your Constitution and dwarven poison save bonuses to

No, but their children (and grandchildren) do.

You neglected to mention how many coaches are completely awful. Incapable of managing a clock, or making adjustments.

They also double post a lot.

There’s a lot that goes into being a good mime. I’m still not paying one. Nor am I into them trying to get paid by the city they busker in. At least, if I pay taxes in that city.

That’s way too fucking subtle for most.

4 times. Also 2005 and 2002. Whoops. My point is though that they don’t lose more than 4 often with TB. Certainly not recently.

They wouldn’t have gone undefeated, fairly sure bet. They wouldn’t have lost 5 games is also a fairly sure bet. They’ve lost 5 games twice since TB has been QB. 2009, and 2001.

Yup, Cassel won 11 games in 08, with the Pats having the 25th strongest strength of schedule in the league that year.