Foolish Ambassador

I wholeheartedly agree!

Genevieve seems to get a LOT more out of it than just misery, as do most of the JWDB folks I know (myself included). It's the writing that is sometimes miserable.

It's either Genevieve or no one. There wasn't even going to be an Elementary review on AV CLub this season but some nice folks requested that she come back and review and so she did. I personally am really glad she's here reviewing it. I think she deserve props for having to dissect those episodes that bounce around

I respectively disagree so I'll try to explain how I see it. It's not that we can't grasp the nature of the procedural, it's that this show set the bar high with that first season. There were great mysteries but the bulk of that first season was the Sherlock/Watson dynamic, not the mysteries. Granted, you can't really

the fact there are very few people who feel as underwhelmed by her as you do says a lot. i blame the writers. give her something with substance and she rocks it.

Exactly! He is a man of details. That's a pretty major detail to overlook. I'll never buy that.

I took issue with that as well. It's like they asked us to forget some of the most Sherlock-y things about Sherlock.

I enjoyed this episode a lot, especially the Marcus/Sherlock scenes and that they finally let something have an emotional affect on Joan, but there is now way in hell Sherlock would let the clock run out on Joan's life. No way. Nope.

hate watcher? where are you getting that from? i have issues with the writing but i have never once said anything remotely resembling hatred for it. it's my favorite show. you're delusional.

here's a thought. stop commenting. it's like you're going out of your way to pick fights on here and you are the only one doing that. i think a lot of your comments have merit and welcome them but please just stop with telling people who are unhappy to stop watching. pretty please.

it's on the downslide for sure, but I for one welcome anyone interested in the show. it was between s3-4 when i found it. it's a solid good most weeks but it had a truly outstanding first season, which makes the mediocre eps/seasons a little harder to take. such great actors and characters. anyway, welcome!

ugh. no, she's just saying some personal stakes with the characters would be so much more interesting, and i agree. we're just watching them solve cases. there's nothing at stake here. it makes for boring television.