
@ThisGuy: start at "season one" with Eccleston as the doctor. Most people get hooked pretty quickly, so if you start now, you should be caught up for the new season.

@Sakilla: It's days like these I miss the monday banhammer.

This looks similar to the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.

@Hahaue: agreed. What a fantastic outlook.

This looks awesome, I'll be sure to pick it up.

@Hush: Resident Evil was decent. Way more that MK1

I love Valve. I know this wont show up on the discussion, I just wanted to express my gratitude for a company that really appreciates a good game that they produce. Just amazing work.

@OptimusSlime: Best show I ever saw was a Foo Fighters show. I wasn't even a fan.

"You wanted to see me, Robin?"

You can't just say "custom" like that- I got really excited thinking that I could get a custom figurine of the character I made. I am sadly mistaken.

There are billboards EVERYWHERE in Seattle. I am constantly having to tell people what the hell L4D is. . .

@FarmboyinJapan: Funny story, I used to listen to Red light/Blue light while playing Decent in my younger days. . .
