Break YoSelf

Yes, sir. Change is saved just for hard times. I’ve found that it spends just as well as the bills.

There are helluva many times I’ve had to go to the bodega up the street with 5-6 dollars in mixed change. I will usually pre-sort the change by denomination, making it easier to count. And wait until there’s no one else in line before cashing out. I apologized the first couple of times. But she insisted that it wasn’t

Union rules vary state to state, it’s no surprise Florida’s stagehands aren’t unionized while New York’s are. Florida has been “right to work” since the 1940s.

Fun fact: You pretty much described unions across America. LOL /s

I don’t regularly ride the LIRR, but when I do, the loudest riders are the white girls and boys openly getting inebriated on their way to NYC. As a PoC, my thoughts wonder how long would it not take for them to get arrested were they not white. Personally, I feel safer in the Deep South than in Long Island regarding

Yup even in the purportedly liberal SF Bay area, they are almost exclusively white. It’s creepy as fuck.

It’s just such a weird pastime. “I’m wrong, but arguing a wrong point is fun, somehow! WAY more fun than admitting I’m wrong!”

Unfortunately I’d have to beat your ass but I have a feeling you’re pretty used to that or at least saying from afar you’d slap the phone out of someones hand.

Weak troll is weak. 

I focused on the illegal part because I was hoping you were being at least somewhat sarcastic about the knocking the phone out of someone’s hand part, but if you want to double down and look really stupid then carry on. I guess we all just gave you a little too much credit. Won’t happen again.

Yooo, I work for a construction company and at the time we had two older white dudes working for us. One of the dudes was trying to explain how the government bought ALL of us black and white. He started pulling out dollar bills and SS Cards and pointing to things that “further explained” his theory. He claimed that

I dont even know where to send you its all a mess. Just go to youtube and search on

Yo, I think bob think all the slaves were brought over at once.

He’s (and you Sir) is/are doing us a service. Next time someone suggests cutting Educational Funds or reducing Library hours, we roll the clip.

I low-key enjoyed this - like I had warm fuzzies all the way through, as much (if not more) because I’m just glad to have Bob’s Burgers back as because of the ep itself. I think the FArt would’ve distracted from a better story, but I’m always game for BB getting weird.

Too bad the felt looking Louise bit was not in the episode more it was the best of the fan animation.

A perfect Teddy moment

“well, i guess it’s time to go crush someone’s dreams!”

when I participated in this experiment back in the 70s, onlythe brown eyed kids got be vote on which group the green eyed kids were put in...leading to even more conflict.

Okay, but why do you think there are so few black people in your program? It can certainly be traced back to segregated schooling which is often indicative of a low quality educational experience. Over time, that kind of segregation serves as a barrier to crucial networking opportunities that keep people of color out