
I will never understand how literally tens of millions of people gave him a pass on letting the economy collapse by ignoring a pandemic. Do people really think the entirety of 2020 and all the desperation, misery, and death somehow doesn’t count?

Let’s see what happened when they raised the tariffs on Chinese steel a few years ago. Domestic steel also raised its price to within a few cents per ton of Chinese Steel. Not only did the cost of building with structural steel framing skyrocket, so did the price of pretty much every good manufactured with steel.

From the news story it is clear that the monkey was the smartest one in the car and the "influencer" should be facing animal abuse charges as well as DUI. 

Musk and others who are in Trump’s orbit as potential cabinet and “czar” positions don’t have an adequate background to perform their duties but have convinced themselves they do. This coming administration will be known by historians as “The Dunning-Kruger Presidency”.

This. Aaron Rodgers has spent his life getting good at playing Quarterback, so it stands to reason he’s a reputable expert on the subject. But what is there about 20 years of throwing balls and being hit in the head that makes him an expert about vaccines?

It’ll hurt everyone and everything on earth too. Somehow forgot *that* part of the equation haha!

Considering what we know about Exxon and their climate research and actively downplaying the reality of global warming until it became impossible to ignore, don’t go assuming this guy cares about the environment whatsoever. If this decision existed in a vacuum, he’d gleefully condemn future generations to a burning

The human race is definitely headed for extinction. Voters confirmed last week that they want the process to speed up.

I believe that under the current gov, there were thousands of well permits opened and never used all the while our production has increased so as usual the drill baby drill, its more scare mongering.

Chaotic, deregulatory presidency scaring oil company execs was not on my bingo card for the next 4 years.

The lesson I learned last week and still almost daily is never overestimate the intelligence of the American population. Apathy and anarchy rule.

The point here is not even the car, just the wastefulness of it all. We live in a world where people are failing to cover basic expenses, and here’s this guy destroying an expensive car with an even more expensive amount of duct tape for 12 seconds of video content.

The fact that it is required to engineer and implement a mechanical “back up” suggests to me that it is absolutely not cheaper or more cost effective to go with electronic door pulls.

It’s painfully obvious how Trump won a second time.

They don’t even understand that it’s Trump himself who made the current trade agreement with Mexico! Every time he complains about the trade situation, he’s literally complaining about himself!!

These are the same people who shout “America First!” while buying literally everything from Wal-MArt and Amazon that’s made overseas and also claims they stand by the side of auto workers while complaining that unions are evil and their members are overpaid slobs.

Nah, fuck that. This is entirely Toyota’s fault.

Assuming there will be elections in 4 years. “You’ll never have to vote again!”

I still don’t understand how MAGAs think tariffs are a good thing. Tariffs are going to hurt every piece of industry in the US. We import everything. We aren’t just talking about T-shirts. How many car parts are actually manufactured in US? I would bet a very insignificant number. And those companies won’t move

We’ve tried nothin’ and we’re all out of ideas!