
This is where I’m at. Especially after working from home (and I was doing that pre-pandemic, I was ahead of the curve lol) I do not want to game at the same place I work all day. Kinda killed all my desire for playing games on PC even though I did a ton in the past.

Yeah who cares. I was hoping they’d make a back-button attachment for the DualSense since I love having it on my DS4 but this new controller will do nicely.

Hopefully they will keep the liftback though. Moar liftbacks!

This was one of my favorite cars in NFS II

lol, I am the same with Fire Sauce. It just isn’t the same without it. I have a little container in the pantry with emergency sauce packets.

hell yeah, red sauce ftw

Supposedly the Huracán is happening

I would buy the hell out of a collection with both games in it. Honestly I would buy them individually too (but a collection in this instance makes sense to me). I remember back in the PS3 era I was worried they would stop localizing the games so I always bought every Yakuza game day-one, haha

Transit Connect! We had one, the passenger version, for a while before it got totaled and I loved it. Handsome design (boxy is beautiful, imo) and not an incredible behemoth like other vans—I often described it as more of a tall wagon with sliding doors. Drove really nice and our long wheelbase version had a super

Speaking of extra buttons, I really like the Back Button Attachment for the DualShock 4. I’m hoping Sony makes a version for the DualSense. I miss having those extra buttons when playing PS5 games.

hello new desktop wallpaper subject

Derp. September/ all fairness I wrote that comment before my morning coffee, lol

God of War and Splatoon 3 on the same day? Imma need to use a vacation day for this.

In 2003, a shooter called XIII was released. Based on a series of Belgian graphic novels, it tried something unique (for the time) by emulating the comic’s cel-shaded look, and while it wasn’t the greatest shooter ever made, it was still incredibly cool, quickly earning itself cult status.

me likey. Hyundai/KIA continues to kill it in the design dept. imo

Well as someone who enjoys eating both Taco Bell and Cheez-Its I say:

I miss those days...