Yep, I think I’m gonna ask for Friday off this week lol
Yep, I think I’m gonna ask for Friday off this week lol
Hey some of us racing sim nerds enjoyed that! 😋
Ah, that explains it. Ours was the generation after, which was quite a nice van. Those first ones did look pretty dinky.
Right, I know that, but ours was a “wagon” version—full passenger model, so all windows (it had great visibility btw) and had a pretty decent leather interior. No bits fell off ours like the person I was replying to said so it made me wonder if those non-commercial ones were maybe assembled a little better. Anyways I…
Maybe the passenger versions were put together better because we had a Transit Connect for a while and I loved it....until the other half totaled it.
Hey, if Ron Burgundy can boost Durango sales I don’t see why Dr. Evil couldn’t move some GMs.
When I was young sometimes when I would make instant ramen for myself I would top it with some Tillamook cheddar cheese. Sacrilege? Probably, but it was good!
If anyone still likes to collect physical games like I do, from what I have read Sifu will get a retail release in May. Although I haven’t seen it up for pre-order anywhere yet.
They could even cross-post with The Takeout!
I think the G29 should be compatible. I use it to play GT Sport on my PS5 so it works with the console at least.
A Bungie-developed Killzone or Resistance: Fall of Man could be interesting.
If they make it so I can pop a PS3 game into my PS5 and play it that would rule. Still have quite a few in my backlog and others I would love to replay, especially if they got a performance boost.
No games for me, but my Starlight Blue PS5 controller should ship this week, yay!
Undead Nightmare was fun except for the game-breaking glitch that it had when I was playing it on 360. It was apparently introduced in its last patch and they never went back and fixed it so I could never finish it...
Plans for 2022 (keeping it simple):
Oh man I loooooved NMH3. I replayed the whole series this year before the new one and just had a fuckin' blast. So good
Yeah but way less people post on the AV Club version. Plus I’m in the greys there :P
My list is definitely padded with a few short games as well. Probably could have also finished more but I played something like 200+ hours of Hades across three platforms, lol
I miss the “What are you playing this weekend?” posts. Should we all just start writing on these posts instead. I loved reading about what everyone was playing.
My guess is they will be the same chicken that Pizza Hut wings use since they are both Yum Corp. My first job was at a Pizza Hut and the boxes of grilled chicken we got in shipment always had Taco Bell logos on them.