Not to mention teaching both genders a really clear understanding of consent and body autonomy from a very early age.
Since when does logic and rationality have any place in politics? ;D
This is your obligatory reminder that whatever you think of American prudery when it comes to the sex lives of politicians, Anthony Weiner didn’t go down for a little harmless consensual sexting. The “accidental” tweet that broke the story was an unsolicited dick pic sent to a college student who had tweeted him about…
“The pay gap is a lie,” they added as they readjusted their fedora, muttering something about “objective facts.”
100% of my husband thinks that he does half of the household chores. (He thinks there are maybe 3 or 4 things that need to be done around the house and he does at least half of those things.)
100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.
I’m getting rage cramps. Are those real things?
So you’ve been controlled, beaten, afraid, with three kids - one of whom has a life threatening illness and medicine you can’t afford even with the father’s help, and maybe you felt you had no where to go.. and some cop you never met hands you a business card- and just like that in one moment, all of your problems…
She was doing everything right. She was planning to leave him and had already acquired housing.
Likely... not. Protective orders are almost completely useless.
Do some reading up on the psychology of people in abusive relationships. You might find it illuminating.
Punch yourself in the face, then shut up forever.
seems to be what the police feel, isn’t it? ‘Cause let’s not kid ourselves, had she gone through with that utterly meaningless paperwork that would have failed to protect her and their children, some idiot would have just concluded that what she she should have done was have a gun and shoot him in self-defense. So…
Right?! I used to work for a DV shelter, and we would tell people who called our hotline to get a restraining IF they thought it would effectively keep their abuser away from them, but that if it was likely that a restraining order would be more likely to make the abuser angry enough to be violent even if it means…
Did you miss the part that said she was in the process of leaving and already had found an apartment. And do you still not get that when a DV victim is leaving is the time a man like this is most likely to kill? As for a restraining order giving her “legal recourse”, that wasn’t going to help her after she and her…
Oh, I dunno these nifty statistics state that about 75% of women who leave their abuser get murdered by said abuser. She could have saved those kids by remaining a punching bag though, right? Will that be your next attempt at blaming the victim?
haha, uhhh, nice try. Those things get violated all the time and the police do jack-fucking-shit about it. All it does is fucking make your abuser do what he was already doing to you — more aggressively.
Not fucking likely. Restraining orders are usually not even worth the paper they’re printed on.
Except not. Victims who get orders of protection from their abusers are actually more likely to be attacked again, and the reason for it is because they got the order of protection. The abuser sees it as a violation of their control and will simply ignore it to further victimize the person who got the order in order…