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A sick child like this is an enormous stressor for the most stable and secure of marriages. However, I’m sick to death of reading about entire families being wiped out by a man (presumably) who was under stress and/or abusive. A girl I grew up was murdered by her husband last year. He was apparently abusive for years.

It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for

Follow the Medicaid billing. They cost millions to their respective states each year. Officially the mothers are all single and jobless, they are all on Medicaid and there are really fucked up genetic disorders in their population.

This is just an elaborate pedophile ring. Period. I’d be more eloquent if I wasn’t so pissed. Some things make you want to surrender your sight and hearing for a while.

This is fucking bullshit. I just binge watched that escaping polygamy show and it was like an M. Night Shyamalan movie, except you know, with lots and lots of pedophilia.

The bigger issue relative to these crimes is that they’re a doomsday cult awaiting the destruction of the world and especially the US. Of course they’re going to shirk the law. defrauding the welfare system is seen as a virtuous act, they’re “bleeding the beast.” the FLDS really lives outside the law in every way

It continues to amuse/irritate me to no end that these people - white, conservative, religious - are the real face of welfare fraud. Not saying that other people don’t cheat the system but the FLDS have turned welfare fraud into an art form. Yet somehow when some people use the term ‘welfare queen’ you just know the

OH sure. It’s real unless it applies these fools who are Bernie or Bust, then, it’s totally not the reason they’d rather have an orange dictator as president. Right. Sure. So convinced.

I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.

She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.

I see this phenomenon with my male students ALL THE TIME.

In other words, then, quoting oneself could be a way to jack up the number of people who appear to be citing you, to gain a professional advantage.

Well, no other man can mansplain quite like they do.

Nobody is forcing them to go to Baylor.

Not all people are built the same. It’s great that you think in that situation you’d gladly take on all repercussions so as to be able to take down your rapist. As a female, I can say in that situation I would likely do what many women do...I would be quiet. I wouldn’t want to be trashed by my peers and

You have no idea what you are talking about. Zero. And you sound like a complete and utter moron, blathering on about what you would do if you were raped.

I went to a public university that had very strict alcohol codes, and I can say it discouraged at least three women I know firsthand, along with myself, from reporting. They’ve since changed that rule—now they’ve essentially created an exception for people seeking police or medical assistance.

Yes, racism is a personal struggle for racists. Who is going to start the social movement to improve the plight of racists? Oh wait a minute, everything I heard from the RNC makes total sense now.