
I laugh every time you call someone a GLORY BOY. I don't know why. It's funny.

If the NFL changed the rules so you can be out of bounds (as long as the ball stays in), Mike Tomlin would have a field day kneeing opposing players in the balls as they tried to break free along the sideline for a long touchdown. So it's probably best to keep the current boundaries.

Jayson Williams reportedly jacked off in a limo full of guys and said, "don't worry I'm not gay"

Apparently when his Mom told him she was a Fluffer, he assumed she worked in the hair business.

If a guy is an asshole, let's face it there's no good way to end it. Fadeaway? You're a bitch. Friend zone him? He won't take the hint. Telling him it's over? You'll get twenty texts saying why you're wrong and you made a mistake. Essentially, not giving him what he wants and expects, namely you, is unacceptable.

I'm a chick and I always do the fade out because I hate drama and closure is overrated.

Guys don't "dump" guys....they drift apart. A good bud of mine (OTR Trucker) hasn't returned a call in the past year. He talked of retiring and buying a house on a lake in Wisc. Either he did or he doesn't want anything to do with me. That's fine. Friendship is on hold until we cross paths again. He did tell me once

As someone who did stand-up for a few years professionally and saw countless first timers at open mics, no that 5 minutes won't go quickly. You'll get through 3 jokes and realize you have 4 minutes left. Hopefully if it's slipping away Aaron is smart enough to bail even if he hasn't done the full 5.

This is not true of all women. I have dumped friends by resolutely not returning phone calls, emails, texts or invitations to connect on Facebook/LinkedIn what have you, and would rather die than have to have some big long conversation about how I was sick of getting weirdly racist anti-Obama email forwards as well as

Farting on a QBs hands? That's just the beginning. I played center in high school. One game junior year I was sick—like really sick. I puked four times over the course of the game, but I can deal with that. However, one play, in about the 2nd quarter, I wound up on the bottom of the pile, and when I got up, I felt

props for the halftime song. Never would have thought "Another Rainy Night" would ever get an appearance here.

Reading that for the payoff was so worth it.

Dan's mom is...
(a) Kayla Synz
(b) Darryl Hannah
(c) India Summer


Who in their right mind would dump a friend? You just stop hanging out. I've done this with a number of people I either stopped liking or have things in common with.

This is extremely accurate and real

Damn Drew, is everything ok at home? I feel like every week there's some zinger re: your wife/marriage. You're starting to sound like Chris Rock, and we all know how that ended....

...when you have kids, you spend so much time on your hands and knees...

My wife and one of her long time friends broke up. Like they were having differences and they actually met to talk about them and basically decided (semi-unspoken) that they wouldn't be friends anymore. I told her I'd never do that in a million years.
"What would you do?" She asked.
"Just never call him again."
"What if