
Good. You can go use the bathroom now.

That's cool. Never heard of the guy before.

Now playing

Outkast "Ova Da Wudz". Loved the way Outkast used samples sparingly if at all...

You're obviously not an art lover.

He would've gone 1 for 25 in the NLCS

I don't know, can you?

"Can you still see my dong?"

Endless articles about it from all the gentrifying "Brooklynite" Gawker bloggers who have actually only lived in NYC for about 5 years but refer to it as "my city".

I'm crazier than you are but I can't help you with the math.

Maybe he was just looking for a new limo driver.

Guys who complain about the "cutoff" after a few dates are overly sensitive and insecure. Just move on, dude. She doesn't like you.

This is how all of my "married with children" friends are. When I do see them they complain, whine and look like tired beaten men. However, I can tell that they love their children very much - not always the same with the wives - and that they're all fairly content. I'm content too. Kids aren't for me. I can be the

Do you think the Secret Service monitors the Lincoln bedroom when there are guests at the White House? Is the place bugged or do they rely on Lincoln's ghost to relay them information? BTW, I cracked up at the thought of Lincoln's ghost showing up mid-fap. Talk about coldwater shrivel. Maybe he'd go into an impromtu

That's truly amazing.

And perfectly valid ones. Here's one of mine that got deleted...

Why did you feel the need to delete a simple question, Kevin?...

They fear the wrath of the Jezebels.

So is Gawker Media morally against revenge porn or not?