
Ha! I immediately thought, "I bet Marchman is loving this", when I read the headline. I know that you and the UFC have a bit of a "history". I'm sure that you leaned back in your chair, took a long draw off your pipe and smiled from ear to ear. Wait. I've seen pictures of you. I'm damn sure you're incapable of

We're still staring at our TVs wondering when they're going to hand it to Lynch.

Born and raised in Kentucky. Went to college at Georgia Tech.

Steve Raible is originally from Kentucky. He used to play for the Seahawks.

Bastard! +1

You're welcome.

Damn! I really thought destiny was with the Seahawks when that happened. Still feeling sick. Oh well, first world problems. Congratulations to all the Pats fans.

Congratualations to the Pats! DAMMIT! Seriously ... nicely done.

Now playing

This has nothing to do with football or SNL but the "shaggy dog" comment reminded me of this...

Exactly. Shaq single-handedly brought about new safety standards for NBA rims. I think it was around the mid-90's when all the rims got Shaq-Proofed.

Should've gone for the layup. Fans would've gone crazy.

Sounds like it was a messy job for the mop boy.

Still one of the funniest goddamn things I've ever seen. Pure slapstick.

"Uptown Funk": The greatest song James Brown NEVER wrote. I love it. It hits hard. Makes me want to have subwoofers in my truck again.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with listening to pop music. I listen to a lot of different types music including some modern pop music. However, I'm going to have to disagree with you about the current time being "a golden age". It seemed like the Top 40 of 10 years ago and beyond had a more diverse variety of

Remember when...remember when you were singing "Firework" at the Super Bowl and there were actual real fireworks going off? That was great.

Great actress. The sax player was good too.

Would Lomabardi have kicked a field goal 4th and 1 at the one yard line?

Seahawks fans have always been around but the sports world wasn't paying us any attention. New jerseys? Same thing happened when the Seahawks uniforms changed 15 years ago. Do we all have to wear old Largent jerseys in order to impress you?