
Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a motorcycle?

somebody get this man a dictionary please.

@tlong1122: Same unfortunately. Fucken alcoholics.

That was a great read. Thanks

Does that image really represent what they are trying to achieve? I could see the benefits of not needing a new paint job everytime you enter new terrain... but a mountain???

@anitesh.jaswal: It's even sadder if you have a whole team with you. We usually only have 2 or 3 guys and we still got 75- 20. I just started using the makarov to challenge myself. Your aim improves A LOT when you pistol.

@FOXHOUND657: I zombie laying down and let the surround sound do the work. But yeah in multi i HAVE to be on full alert. ha

@anitesh.jaswal: I agree on the simply playing part. The only time I ever do bad at a game is if I'm not paying attention (texting, talking, etc). Other than that always come out on top at FPS games.

holy crap 40 watts??? (I'm pretty sure that's not even close to the loudest but still)

@UEB: My 2am mind couldn't process that. I don't even recall reading anything about lamps. haha. Thought somehow the guinea pigs themselves were seen and confused for plants or something.

... ok?

Can not be unseen!!!

@SuddenImpact: Haha, whatever floats your boat man. (1:39)

@SuddenImpact: did you watch the video? Watch again and tell me they didn't attempt to twirl around.

The flailing around kind of killed it for me. I guess I never appreciated how well they trained for the lightsaber twirling in the movies.

@mumin: Well I'm no female teenager but I've got to say this latest one was very well done. And yes it was true to the book... and i did the pressuring..... and waited in line for 5 hours... I'll go away now.

@Kwinten: Most movies that are hyped are destined to fail from what i've seen. Except Harry Potter :)

Lets do the tiiiiiiiiimewarp againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

oh wow that is straight out awesome. I want one in every room.