
I bet these are the same geniuses behind qwop

@MifuneT: I agree. As soon as I clicked the link to the site yesterday I couldn't believe he was passing it off as no big deal.

@tomsomething: See it's stuff like this that I would've liked to have learned in grade school. Not what year this bill was passed, or who wrote that. How where the pyramids made? Good shit

@tomsomething: That would actually make a lot of sense. I always figured they had to somehow carry them up there. That's pretty stupid of me.

I wonder if the Egyptians could've done something like this as well? Maybe ancient people were just way smarter than we give them credit for. I do like the alien argument though :)

@pixelsnader: aww dammit.... can I just have 3 pizzas?

@pixelsnader: I'm an American. I want all 3 dammit!!!!

@RDRR: Maybe instead of faster speeds we should be making it unlimited? I pay more on my iPhone a month than I do for my DSL

Do we need it now? Yes. If 4G was readily available we would see better use of our smartphones than Twitter and Facebook. My phone only has 16GB on it. If I could easily stream ALL of my music and movies to my phone without taking up space I would be very happy. Hell I'd buy a phone with absolutely no data storage if

@WestwoodDenizen: From what I've heard their cakes taste pretty good too. Not that I've looked into it much but that's what I heard.

And it's not even the newish version either. The one with the triangle/pointer on the bottom left.


@DreamTheEndless: Thanks. Perfect. Might make a project out of this if I find the time.

@DreamTheEndless: Yeah I remember seeing it as well somewhere. I think the person demonstrated it with the Simpsons and I thought it worked pretty well.

@YoannM: There we go. Now to find the DIY somewhere. I'm pretty sure I saw the instructions once but forgot to save the site.

On a kind of related note, does anyone have a link to that article about DIY ummm back lighting? That thing where the lights behind your tv change depending on whats displayed on your tv. Wow I forgot the name. Anyways, any help is appreciated.

@Interstella5555: 42" LCD is about 5-6 feet away while I'm gaming on PS3, about 10 for everything else. Most of my friends can't sit that close and play but I find it a lot easier.

Yes Yes Yes. I needed that parts list. I know next to nothing about assembling a computer and I couldn't find anything that would tell me what parts where compatible with what. Thanks!!!!!!!