
It's gonna suck when that drive stops working one day.

@Goopplesoft: yeah in Cali they only give out about 5ooo of those permits a year so you have to be there pretty much the first day of the year.

@Goopplesoft: Oh and the starting price is more around 70k now actually. Kind of a bummer. 40 was more realistic for me.

@hostile-17: Interesting. I guess all the coverage about them closing a lot of stores kind of threw me off. Thought it was a complete finish if that makes sense.

@pirateaboard001: business school? whaaaa? Oh and google wasn't needed since I found out what I needed from the article itself... so.... bye

I thought bankruptcy meant you went out of business? Maybe I shouldve paid attention in school. Ehh

@Robert Hedges: Gotta look into this. Maybe I can create tracks for racing fans. Haha

I'm not really sure how this game works but.....

you guys....

It's a good thing most Americans are sleeping right now or else this site would be slower than most Americans. - Amerinonymous

@Caturday Yet?: From the looks of it, it can run a crysis in yo crysis... etc etc.

@Euclidean: Yeah it's pretty good and I didn't watch it til about a month after I first saw the movie. I like that he was able to see the CGI implemented in real time through the camera. Crazy stuff

It was kind of funny shooting him and then finding out it wasn't really him. Especially after that chic tried to kill me afterwards. ahhhh good times

I downloaded a 30+ minute long version of this a while ago. Don't know what show/website it was made for but it was pretty cool.

At first glance I thought the lead pic had 3 George Carlin's in it. Weird

When I don't have any "good" fireworks left I usually take a couple of balloons and tie one of those fountain fireworks to them. looks pretty good and if you're lucky the balloons explode at the end.

@OCEntertainment: haha yeah but I thought something that big could kind of act as a microscope to a whole planet. I'm cool like that.

@Dabamasha: I figured there would be a weird reason why this couldn't be done. Thanks.