
Worked pretty good. Was a little choppy, but my laptop is about 2-3 years old. Good stuff. High 5's all around.

I don't know if it explains in the article but...

Man I miss Colbert. Stupid DVR always records every episode, new and old, about 3 times a day, no matter how many times I tell it to RECORD NEW ONLY. Had to delete that timer. Maybe I'll start watching it online again.

@Brian Barrett: I guess there are worse things to be found on the internet than 4chan. I haven't seen them though.

what? no one tried 4chan? Or is it accessible???? gasp

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: How the hell did I read this in Moe's voice before I even read the bottom part of this comment??? You sir win two internets.

@SparklyJesus: What about Hotel Rwanda. As i recall that was way better...

@SparklyJesus: Was that movie actually good? I watched about 20 minutes of it and fell asleep. Never gave it another chance.

@pixelsnader: It took me about 20 seconds to find the guitar in the beginning. So yes, extra angles needed.

@Spaatz: Really? wow was I off or what?

Iranians talk a lot.... just saying.

Has anybody made a reference to Se7en yet? Too lazy to check. Sorry if it has been posted.

Knowing Jobs, the next iPhone will be covered in this since it looks pretty. Now it wont break AND it wont get signal. Just like my 3G.

Does dual flash really improve on quality? More light for the sensor?

An hero