
Bars on their windows? deny access to roof? Security? Some other preventative measure? You shouldn't have to catch them, they shouldn't be "falling" in the first place.

This reminded me of something I saw the other day on "The Simpson's Ride" at Universal. Before you go in you're in a room full of light bulbs that are red/green/yellow/orange all at the same time, depending on what angle you look at them from. Also moving your head side to side made it easier to see, anybody know what

@phiyuku: oops, yeah, forgot to write anything for some reason. But yes, at least we know they listen to what we have to say.

Hey, I liked I, Robot :p

Sounds like a cool idea. A lot safer than the "bikers riding over traffic" idea. You remember that one? Me neither.

Here's the one of the World's Troll Factories.

The best ones are numbers 1-22

I don't know when Gizmodo's fascination with wind started... but I like it. This is some good stuff.

@Agrippa: And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

@Samurai I-am-awry: Maybe I would like to help!!!! I'll let the scientists work on the nuclear fusion stuff, I'll round up my monkeys and power my block for free.

@Samurai I-am-awry: How much time do you think it would take to create/store enough energy to power your house? And how would you store it in the first place?

And following up on my earlier question...

@Dezerus Richardson: Why not just implement one at every major waterfall. Wouldn't that be like endless energy? Unless of course the river dries up or something.

A question about wind turbines...

@Rabbit: That's why I didn't say Avatar.

This was about 10 times better than the garbage that was The Last Airbender

I thought in the event of an Internet catastrophe all you had to do was unplug your router and plug it back in.