
@Zinger314: Actually, on iPhone 4 announcement day, there was an article that was (edit) 7 words long. And was titled "Screw"

"Lots of money doesn't make a good movie. A good script, good actors and a good director do."

Do people really use sponges to clean blackboards? Amazing stuff.

I've always wanted to know how these things were designed. Things like this inspire me to make something cool instead of watching TV all day.

@franco1975 [Troll ]: I did not fall, more like stumbled, and even then I still thought duck was funny. ha

@franco1975 [Troll ]: was the "duck" part just you living up to your name? Or a typo? Either way..

@FauxFilms: 3,000??? wowww. i was in the market for something along the lines of 1000. and the resolution was terrible. What brand/model did he get?

the indiana jones one made me figuratively crap my pants. It was like the "musician" just decided, you know what, fk it.

@Rob47: Eminem =/= movies. Weirdo.

I knew my city was crazy, but this is just stupid. If i were on the jury I would've demanded the death penalty!!!!!!

@nightbirdsf: But see my problem is when i go to the Hazard page and download it it's not an .iso file. So how can i change it from the winrar format that it comes in?

I downloaded and opened with winrar. Now it's just sitting there but I can't really do anything. Am I supposed to open this with powerISO? As it is now, it is not an .iso file and I can't do anything with it. Help!!!! Please

@Robert 'K-M' Alicea: Jailbroken, most likely. There's like a blacklist app. you can hide anything and everything.

I told him not to turn off his Firewall.

"What the Last Airbender TV series has that the movie doesn't"

When HTC waits to activate available features at a later date, it's all fine and dandy. But when one little Bluetooth chip gets left turned off on an iPhone, all hell breaks loose!!!!

Lovin' the case. Two thumbs up if it works for gaming as well.

For some reason this reminds me of James and the Giant Peach. Was there like a giant worm machine thing that was trying to eat them? Am I crazy? It's been so long.