
I finally got the balls to do competitive to see how I ranked but also because i was tired of people not playing to win at all in QP. But, i got to competitive and there is hardly any communication and the picks aren’t that much aligned with the meta....then again I’m on PS4. Weirdly enough, I’ve encountered better

gonna wait till this goes on sale for 5 bucks...which will be like 2 months from now.

I actually main at Pharah and getting caught exposed by soldier in the air is almost certain death....super frustrating, but besting soldier is extremely satisfying, concussion blast him out of his heal circle, disoriented, two direct rocket hits do the trick

oh i gotcha....I play on console and the only game I have that shows Ping is rocket league and thats where I have witnessed legit complaints for ping issues, especially from my friend who is way better at rocket league than me so I know its legit....I have never heard someone complain about frame rate or ping on PS4

does anyone think Roadhog has a shotgun with wayyyy to much focused damage range for a shotgun...?

lovers in spacetime from PS+ is a blast to play with friends....didnt Xbox already off Temple of Osiris like a year and a half ago?

Sound bars are practically a gimmick....stop pushing sound bars...they suck and do a disgrace to well mixed audio. You want surround sound? get a surround system....many can be configured with wireless speakers if you’re worried about wires and rigging them up is not difficult. Going 5.1 will be the best decision you

Sound bars are practically a gimmick....stop pushing sound bars...they suck and do a disgrace to well mixed audio.

having ping issues and lag can be something that definitely screws you over....a dropping the film speed (there are 30-60 of these PER SECOND) I cant fathom throwing you off to the point that if effects competitive gameplay....unless you have definitive proof with a visual example

died because of a frame rate drop.....really?

fuck Genji

whoops...well two things...I had seen the same footage before of JUST the Tigers (which is also the thumbnail for the video) so I assumed (I’m an ASS!) that it was the same clip....confusingly enough though, if you  click play on the video, it has been bookmarked to start at 01:04 which is a shot of a Linx i believe,

Banjo Kazooie was my favorite N64 game and I revisited a few years ago in college having just experienced Uncharted 2 and was still enamored by it. It holds up completely and the music I can still whistle off the top of my head. There are definitely movies and games I have revisited that have not aged well....not BK,

those are tigers not lions but still cats and great video

I haven’t seen the new live-action movie but I just re-watched the anime last night which I hadn’t seen in awhile, and I will say the film does a lot of story exposition indeed through “telling and not showing”. The 2nd scene where Major is speaking with the doctor about the interpreter is basically the doctor filling

why is the video quality absolute garbage? compressed to do length time?

When I was REALLY into Pokemon when i was kid, I used to take duplicates of basic cards and turn them into FOILS by cutting out the environment of the card image, preserving the Pokemon. I would then take another disposable basic card, glue a square cut-out of shiny wrapping paper onto it, and then(with more glue)

I wouldn’t want to play Mario Kart without just is an easy example to show what happens when you take all the luck out of the game, it becomes more about the pure mechanics of the game and mastering those.

I just finished playing Until Dawn (one of my favorite games ever) with my GF, who is a fan of scary films, but she hasn’t played video games since the N64 days, so the graphics, gameplay and narrative mechanics of the game really amazed her but i think it was the recognizable actors that also drew her in. This is the

In The Force Awakens, when they leave Jakku and Han brings Rey to D’Qar to visit the rebel base, she is amazed at the environment, stating something about never knowing about all the green that existed in the world. The camera cuts to Han, who, surprised by the remark, also gives with a look of remorse and guilt, as

I always felt that things like items and environmental factors are in game handi-caps for Smash....taking them off levels the playing field to just who is the best fighter, who has the best techniques and can simultaneously discern their opponent’s technique/strategy and determine their own gameplay as a