Why are you hassling people?
Why are you hassling people?
its definitely unfortunate, but I think we should all just take note at the sheer popularity of this game....i didn’t realize how big it was really until i learned friends from home who don’t really play video games all play together and have a fucking group text related purely to fortnite...But with the shut down of…
its official....we’re crab people now
these are fuckin dope, coppin these asap
I want to try this game so bad....how long is the average game?
or mimic the dope transformers ride that combines 3-D visuals blended with practical pyrotechnics and tangible sets, gives you a huge sense of scale but really is about the same size as sound stage....its a blast....actually though the Harry Potter ride is fuckin rad, I never read the books, saw a few of the…
well done! way to persevere through something you clearly were dreading but wanted done....I would havebe so frustrated if I learned that the one thing holding back your Voila! moment was a dysfunctional product....spending a dedicated 5 focused food-less hours and adding an errand to your saturday only to learn that,…
I remember being so psyched for this show the Pilot was totally gripping...but once I caught the 2nd episode and they introduced a fuckin polar bear, I immediately burst out laughing, said “NOPE!” and changed the channel despite the company I was watching it with....several years later a trusted friend in the midst of…
do these kids have parents?? I feel like they’re only development (or lack thereof) into adults has been through the veil of celebrity and being worshipped like the coolest kid at school....someone needs to teach these morons what empathy and compassion are, along with meaningful self-reflection. Until he gets slapped…
are pinball games actually fun? I love playing pinball in real life because it’s the piece of analog machinery you’re engaging and has cool lights and makes dope sounds.....and the ball is subject to actual physics and the nuances of a hand made machine....not algorithmic gravity...i feel like playing a video game…
magic: the gathering needs to be on the Ps4 and not exclusive to xbox
I like video games and sports! Huge baseball fan, played sports and videos games my whole life....can we not enjoy both? A LOT of professional of athletes play video games in their leisure, as its something competitive they can do and not risk injury....never seen this Deadspin guy before, but he strikes me as a guy…
They don’t but I would compare the loot box implementation more similar to Big Tobacco’s business model, which, with the suppression of research indicating nicotine is addictive and cigarettes will lead to cancer, is always seeking new addicts with their once inclusion in films, commercials, celebrity endorsements,…
what about Rival Turf for SNES? I remember not being able to put this down! I thought it was so cool you could pick up knives off the street and throw them at people!
if you preorder it now, do you still get access to the beta?
hes in his fuckin 40's??? and he fuckin claims innocence on neo-nazism??
maybe a combination of fluid ledge movement to a more challenging control scheme when making giant leaps or jumps from one ledge to another?
theres a little bit of that but its more like “oh follow those off color bricks and eventually you’ll reach the top.” Maybe mini-games aren’t the solution, but I think you agree that climbing/platforming of Uncharted is elementary and more a filler between different sections of the game than an actual challenge, but…
Haha I kind of realized that when i finished, but some, or most, QTE are so basic and pointless, they don’t usually have a countdown timer, they just show the button flashing (which is almost always X or A) and wait for you to press it. My idea was that you have a very small window to hit a particular button, anyone…
completely agree!! the novelty of dope character animations in awesome locations wears off pretty quickly when you’re just holding up on the L joystick and occasionally tapping x. Although it looks incredibly easy for Drake, it should be somewhat difficult for the player!