
That’s “the Biles”. She’s the only gymnast that can do that.

I appreciate Simone Biles for her lack of faux modesty. I overheard someone say they didn’t like her because she was too cocky.


You are missing the point. It is one thing to send emails to your intellectual crush, saying all sorts of pretentious goofy things you think sound smart. It is another for these two people (why do you keep forgetting about him?) to publish it, convinced it is high art. It’s a set of pretentious emails where each one

Honestly? No.

when i was 15 i called a boy “magnetic” in an email and the memory of it still makes me want to barf

It’s viscerally embarrassing to read. I suddenly feel ashamed of all the obviously, transparently performative emails I’ve written to smart boys in a desperate bid to get laid.